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How To use the Marketplace
Provide your seller details
Create and connect Stripe Account inSeller Details Section
Add a first product
Fill in the form for the product you wish to sell:
  • - Title
  • - Genre
  • - BPM
  • - Key
  • - Description (max 2000 symbols)
Upload product content
Upload all you Product Content
  • - Art Work (cover Image, upto 1Mb, 800x800px)
  • - Preview of the Track in mp3 format
  • - Original Track in mp3 and WAV format
  • - Amped Studio Project (optional)

    Explain: This upload related to a Tracks that was created with Amped Studio.Open a corresponding Amped Studio project in the main menu (top left ) select Export Project and Amped Studio Project file will be saved to your desktop.

  • - Stems Project (optional)

    Explain: Current upload is for a product (Track) stems.Include Track stems into a product as a part of it is content under specific license type. Please note stems files should be archived in zip. After releasing of the product, there will be “Open as Stems Project” button on the corresponding product page. By clicking this button Amped Studio will automatically generate a project made with these stems and it will be available for preview in studio, with the ability for control over each stem included

  • - Daw Project (optional)

    Explain: Current upload option can be used if your product (Track) is made in any other DAW and you wish to include related project into a product as a part of it is content under specific license type. Such project will be available for download to a desktop by a buyer and should be opened in specific DAW with all related files and presets. Here are some helpful video with tips about how to create a transferable project in some DAW’s like:

    If you use any other DAW you can always search the web for more info.

Fill the license content
Checkbox what content is included under specific license type and set the price.
Save a product
After saving you product will go through a moderation process, if everything is well it will be released in ”Custom Product” section of Amped Studio Shop.
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